
Pet-Friendly Houseplants to Try in 2022

-watermelon peperomia royal city nursery

So, you love your fur children with all of your heart, but you also really love having greenery in your home? Some may think they have to choose between their pets and their plants, but that is totally not the case. 

Non-Toxic Houseplants That Are Safe for Cats & Dogs

While it is true that there are a large number of indoor plants that are not safe for pets, there are also plenty that are, and you don’t have to stick to the standard spider plants or Boston ferns of the world either. Here are some of our favourite pet-safe indoor plants to try in 2022.

Whitestar Calathea

If you’re on the hunt for a plant that is safe for your pets and totally on-trend, look no further than a Whitestar Calathea. Their distinctive foliage shows off zebra-like stripes of pale green, dark green and soft blush pink, paired with signature maroon undersides that are sure to make any houseplant lover swoon. 

Calatheas will shift positions with changing light levels and have been seen as a symbol of new beginnings due to their spellbinding tendency to close their leaves at night and then open them again for a fresh start each morning. Not only are they pet safe, but they are also delightfully low-maintenance. They prefer indirect sunlight, consistently moist soil, and adequate drainage. Calatheas are tropical and thus love to live in a humid environment, making them a perfect new plant for your bathroom or kitchen. 


Peperomia plants are a triple threat because they are safe for pets, easy to care for, and clean the air! Did we mention they’re adorable? They stay quite petite, and their shiny, waxy foliage comes in a whole host of different shapes, colours, and patterns. 

The leaves of a Watermelon Peperomia, for example, look exactly like the streaking on the outside of a watermelon. On the other hand, Jayde Peperomia offers more of a sophisticated vibe with its perfectly symmetrical round, emerald-green foliage. Peperomia plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight and well-draining soil. 

Bird’s Nest Fern

If a Boston fern feels a little overdone to you, consider picking up a Bird’s Nest fern! Hailing from tropical regions like Australia and Southeast Asia, their light green crinkled, wavy fronds look a little bit like a banana leaf. Your pet safe Bird’s Nest fern will thrive in medium to bright indirect light, but like most ferns, they can tolerate relatively low-light conditions as well. 

They grow at a slow, steady rate, so overcrowding is not normally a concern, and only needs to be watered every week or two. Anyone else starting to see a theme here? Pet safe indoor plants also happen to be relatively low-maintenance. It’s a win for you, them, and your fur kids! 


Were you so disappointed when you found out that the ever-popular Aloe plant is no good for your pets? Haworthia is the perfect alternative! Like an Aloe plant, this cute little succulent has plump, spiky leaves that come in many different textures and patterns. 

Some Haworthia varieties have white horizontal raised stripes, and others are spotted. Some spike outward while others like Haworthia coarctata curl inward to form a sort of rosette appearance. There are so many to choose from! They are happy in average home temperatures, prefer moderate light levels, and only need to be watered once every week or two (less in the winter, more in the summer).

Cat Palm

If you’re feeling like your home could use a little tropical vacation quality, a Cat Palm will totally quench that thirst for you! Its absolutely lush foliage is sure to brighten up any room. In addition to being pet-friendly, Cat Palm’s are also wonderful air-purifiers, and they’re super easy to care for. 

These large palm’s prefer bright, indirect sunlight, and they don’t like their soil to dry out, so try to remember to water them as soon as the first few inches of soil are dry. Keep your Cat Palm looking extra luscious by fertilizing once a month from spring into the fall. 


Ready to grab some pet-safe plants to help spruce up your home in 2022? We’ve got lots to choose from at Royal City Nursery. Stop by for a visit sometime soon to check out all of the exciting new stock we’ve acquired in the New Year! 

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