
Your Guide to Pet-Friendly Houseplants

Royal City Nursery-Guelph Ontario-Your Guide to Pet-Friendly Houseplants-cat and fern

You can have a houseful of plants and pets this winter, and I’m going to prove it! A lot of people have been asking us about pet-friendly plants lately, so I think now’s a great time for a refresher before you start hoarding indoor plants for winter companionship. Here are the plants I think you […]

Pet-Friendly Houseplants to Try in 2022

-watermelon peperomia royal city nursery

So, you love your fur children with all of your heart, but you also really love having greenery in your home? Some may think they have to choose between their pets and their plants, but that is totally not the case.  Non-Toxic Houseplants That Are Safe for Cats & Dogs While it is true that […]

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