
2022 Year End Thank You

Royal City Nursery-Ontario-2022 Year end Thank You-royal city 60 years

It’s hard to believe that 60 years has already gone by and that Royal City Nursery continues to enrich the garden landscapes of customers all over Guelph. We think of ourselves as a community staple, and rely humbly on amazing community support year after year. 

A business is only as good as those it serves, and our top-notch clients are proof of that! Whether looking to the Royal City Nursery for plant and garden advice, landscape design or just a new addition to the garden, our customers always come back, and for that we are delighted!

Our team works tirelessly to bring the community the best for garden health and design. Not only do we love chatting with our customers at the garden center about the best new flowers to try in the garden, we keep our love of growing going with segments in our blog and on CTV news! From spring seeds to harvest time, your gardening success remains our top priority. 

We recently celebrated our 60th anniversary, reminding us once again the importance of following your heart and doing what you love. From Tanya’s earliest days of working with her father to moving Royal City Nursery to its new location, each day has been an opportunity for growth, fulfillment and the chance to help others love their gardens and plants as much as we do. Our new location has continued to allow us to expand what we can offer the Guelph community and the feedback from our clients has been reassuring that we are on the right path. We imagine the next 60 years at Royal City Nursery will change and adapt—as the world changes with every season—and we will continue to be one step ahead in helping you navigate the changing climates, supply issues, and environmental issues looming overhead. 

There have been many exciting projects this past year, and we have helped many of you achieve the garden of your dreams with our landscaping services and abundance of garden plants. Maybe we created a custom seasonal planter just for you, or helped you design the perfect place to enjoy your outdoor space with your family and friends. Whatever your project was, we thank you for choosing Royal City Nursery again and again to deliver the best results. Our specialty is creating a sanctuary for you, because we know how much brighter the world is with a beautiful garden, show-stopping plants, and a place to see nature thrive in its glory. 

No matter what the new year brings us, rest assured that your garden, your plants and your love of outdoor spaces will keep us moving forward into 2023. 

We are ready to usher in another year of perfect plants in the greenhouse, stunning landscape designs, and not only returning garden enthusiasts—but perhaps some new ones, too!

We have enjoyed spending another year providing plant perfection to the Guelph area, and will be here into the New Year for your 2023 garden adventures. Whatever your needs are for new garden plants in 2023, come on by and let us help! 

From Tanya, Dave, and the rest of the dream team at Royal City Nursery, have a Merry Christmas and a safe, bountiful new year!

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