
5 Things Every Beginner Veggie Gardener Needs Now

-hands full of vegetables

Planting vegetables and herbs can be an art if done right, and friend, we want to turn you into a veggie Picasso. Whether this is your very first home vegetable garden, or you’re a seasoned pro, the proper brush strokes in the prep will lead to a masterpiece in the end. There are some essentials you’ll need to get yourself started off on the right foot, and you’ll have to come out of winter hibernation quickly, because it’s time to get the seed party started! There are six essentials that every beginner veggie gardener will need to create a truly edible masterpiece, whether you’re planting indoors or out. 

-seed packs for vegetables royal city nursery

1. Seeds

Seeds need to be started in the wintertime if you want to get a reasonable yield in the growing season, and honestly, seeds can be such a satisfying thing to grow! Growing from seeds is also a beneficial and effective way to teach kids where their food comes from!

Think long and hard about what you want to eat at home this season, and that is what you buy. If you’ve never eaten kale in your life, chances are you’re not going to start now! For a beginner, arugula and most salad greens are a great place to start because they’re fast and easy to grow. Also, don’t forget the labels! Every beginner must have labels so you can keep track of your crop! This is especially crucial when you transplant your seedlings to your outdoor garden or to bigger pots, as you may not be fully familiar with what all the foliage looks like just yet.


2. Plants

It can be equally as overwhelming as it is exciting when you’re at a garden centre and you see all their vegetable and herb plant options. To curb this enthusiasm and anxiety, make a list before you go and plan your vegetable garden. What does your family love to eat in the summertime? What are some herbs that you adore seasoning with? Stick to those plants and try not to waver too much. Remember that everything needs care, space, and ongoing maintenance, so you don’t want to bite off more than you can chew! As a beginner, it’s best to start with easy-to-grow herbs like mint, rosemary, oregano, sage, or parsley. Some easy-to-grow garden veggies are lettuce, spinach, carrots, root vegetables, green beans, and summer squash.

-potting soil mixes royal city nursery

3. Soil or Growing Mediums

All successful growth stems from using the right soil or mix. This component of vegetable and herb planting is not to be underestimated, as using the right mix will ensure whether or not your crop thrives or just gets by. If you are planting seeds, there are soilless seed starting mixes that are effective options. If you are starting vegetable and herb plants in pots, you’ll want a potting mix that is full of nutrients, and has good drainage and moisture retention. If you’re starting your vegetables and herbs in the garden, a rich and fresh topsoil is the best way to start. You can even enrich your garden soil with some composted manure for extra nutrients.

Growing mediums are non-soil options that can be good for growing certain things in. Some options are:

  • Lightweight expanded clay aggregate (LECA)
  • Hydroponics 
  • Peat moss
  • Perlite
  • Vermiculite 
  • Compost


4. Pots or Containers

Having some extra pots or containers on hand is never a bad thing, because you never know when you might want to transplant, propagate, or grow a new vegetable or herb!

If you’re starting seeds, there is no need to put them in nice pots as you’ll be transplanting them into the ground or bigger pots later. Just take a look in your recycling bin and halve a useful jug or bottle, and use that as a starting container…egg cartons work too! There are also some herbs like mint and oregano that can overtake your garden, so it’s best to keep them in containers or pots from the beginning.

-shed of tools for gardening royal city nursery

5. Diggin’ Tools

Whether you’re playing in the dirt inside or out, you’ll want something a little more efficient than your two hands. If you’re planting outside, a trowel, spade, and rake are a good place to start. Don’t get overly excited with your new tools and start a huge, overwhelming garden…start small. As a beginner, we must walk before we can run. Be confident in your gardening tools because if you buy the right ones, you’ll have them for years to come. 

Come see us at Royal City Nursery if you have any questions related to growing a vegetable and herb garden…we would love to help you!

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