Enoch, Litchi Tomato


The Litchi Tomato is also known as Morelle de Balbis, Sticky Nightshade, Fire and Ice Plant, and Red Buffalo Fur. Related to the eggplant and the tomato family, the Litchi Tomato produces bushes with sharp thorns that can grow up to 5 feet! The Litchi Tomato is high in antioxidants and is uniquely flavoured. A must try!

Seeds can be started indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Harden off plants and transplant in the final home after the danger of frost has passed.

Approx. 25 seeds per packet.

In stock


Check out our blog on ‘Sowing Seeds Indoors in March’

Sowing Seeds Indoors in March: A Guide for Southern Ontario Gardeners