
At Royal City Nursery, we have tips to help you keep your garden growing through environmental challenges!

royal city nursery guelph late summer watering hydrangea bush shrub

Watering in the Heat

With temperatures already creeping up into the +30’s so early in the season, watering is KEY to keeping your plants happy, healthy & alive! Here are our top takeaways from our blog – Your Guide to Watering in Guelph;

For any of our annual pants (potted or planted in the garden), it is essential to be checking these daily. Simply stick your finger into the pot up to the first knuckle, if it is dry give it a good, thorough watering. 

When it comes to our perennials, trees and shrubs, it is best to give them a thorough soaking once to twice a week. Leave your hose on a slow trickle for 10-15 minutes (or up to 30-60 minutes for mature trees) and sit back and enjoy the garden.

Ultimately, the main takeaway when watering is to encourage a deeper watering to create a strong root structure and an overall healthier and happier plant

aphids on leaf

Bugs & Insects

Are you noticing aphids, earwigs, spider mites & insects more so than usual? You’re not alone! Although it’s common to see these tiny critters throughout the summer, we are seeing more than expected this time of year! 

Aphids – give the plant a good shower at least three times every three days. If this is not working, spray insecticidal soap according to the package directions.

Spider Mites – applying an insecticidal soap is your best bet! Spray it on the plant, as well as the soil surface.

Earwigs – only come out at night; you won’t see them during the day! The best solution for removing earwigs is to sprinkle diatomaceous earth directly on the soil at the base of the plant. 

Notice a problem on your tree, shrub or plant? We can help you! Bring in a well-wrapped & concealed clipping of your plant (typically the infected area) & we can help diagnose the problem & offer you solutions to resolve the issue right here in-store! 

We have lots of great information & tips on removing these pesky critters from your garden in our blog linked below!


Wildfire Smoke

The weather air quality is predicted to rise to 8 by this afternoon (June 8, 2023 – ( This is classified as high risk. Humans can take precautions by reducing our activities outside or wearing an N95 mask, but our plants & gardens can’t! 

There are both positive & negative effects of smoke on your plants. “Positive effects of smoke come from the increase of carbon dioxide. If the plant has an ample supply of water & enough sunlight through the smoke for the plant to use the extra carbon dioxide, the plant can produce more food for itself”. On the negative side, smoke and ash can “coat plants inhibiting photosynthesis” (University of California) 

So, what can I do? Watering & hosing down your plants will help clear lingering particles on your plants, not just of ash, but of dust. Removing dust on plant leaves means we “unclog the pores” so the leaf has the best chance for transpiration and photosynthesis. This is important for houseplants because we have different air currents (i.e. wind) indoors as we do out. 

If you are harvesting produce, wash thoroughly before eating or consider harvesting earlier! 

Your plants will not be too harmed by the smoke, as long as they are watered and washed. However, smoke has the potential to be harmful us humans, so be careful out there!

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