
It’s time to colour up your gardens with Perennials

perennial garden

Perennials by definition will come back in your garden year after year and happily spread over the years. This helps reduce the amount of money you spend on annuals. After a few years you can divide them and replant in different areas of your garden or share with friends and neighbors. Perennials are truly ‘The gift that keeps giving’.

You are probably wondering if late-July and August are a good time to plant. Most definitely when it comes to Perennials. By planting now you are giving the plant time to set their roots. A good root system means you will have strong plants heading into the winter.

Always add a good triple mix soil to the planting hole and a root booster fertilizer to help prevent transplant shock and aid in root establishment. Rule of thumb for planting perennials, trees and shrubs is to dig the hole wider not deeper. Set the plant in the hole at the same level as it is growing in the pot.

With a little care you can extend your perennials blooming period. Deadheading, which is cutting off the old flower blooms, will encourage more blooms. I find this process is like meditating in the garden. Calming and relaxing and more blooms. Works for me!

As an aside, I like to plant in odd numbers i.e. 3, 5 and 7’s. You get a well-designed yet natural look using this planning tip in the garden. This applies to annuals as well.

Here are a few of my favourite sun-loving Perennials which you can add to your gardens right now: Garden Phlox, Hardy Hibiscus, Shasta Daisy, Cone flower, Bee Balm, Black-eyed Susan, Perennial Geranium, Lavender, Coreopsis, Russian and Perennial Sage, Sedum and Daylilies. It’s true I love them all. The colours will be amazing when these start blooming. Many of them will also attract Pollinators to your yard. Double win!

The darker, shaded corners in my garden are always a challenge. How do you add colour and texture to your shade gardens? With Hosta, Coral Bells, Astilbe, Brunnera and a multitude of different ferns. Japanese forest, Carex and Sedges are grasses which will tolerate shady conditions. Presto! Changeo! You have brightness and colour where you least expect it.

Hot dry sites can be challenging but with a little soil amendment and the right plant for the conditions you can create a beautiful garden. Try Sedum, Ornamental grasses, Russian Sage, Lavender, False Indigo, Yarrow, Blanket Flower, Sea Holly, or Purple Coneflower.

You are now armed with enough knowledge to design and plant your beautiful Perennial garden. You just have to decide which of the beautiful bloomers to plant!

Happy Perennial Gardening!

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